The Benefits of Cat Exploring

Why Leash a Cat?

It's not uncommon for someone to jokingly ask "Why not just get a dog?" when they see me walking my cats. I usually laugh along and say that cats are lower maintenance overall and don't necessarily need to go for walks all the time. While some perceive cat walking as merely a novel idea, there are actually many significant benefits to teaching your cat to walk on a leash:

  • It provides great stimulation for cats and combats life’s daily monotony

  • You and your cat are able to get exercise

  • It builds a deeper connection between you and your cat

  • Walking on a leash is a safe alternative to getting fresh air

    • Less likely to be hit by a car

    • Less likely to be eaten by larger predators like coyotes

    • Less likely to eat something toxic

  • It is environmentally-friendly as it is a good alternative to free-roaming

    • Helps reduce the decimation of small wildlife populations caused by cats

    • Helps lower feral cat populations

  • Helps ensure your cat won't be stolen while outside

  • Allows cats to be attuned to their natural instincts

  • May help with behavioral issues or reduce anxiety for specific events like going to the vet

  • Thought to help reduce potential for feline dementia

  • Provides cats with disabilities, like blindness, to explore in a controlled way

While there are many benefits, we should also recognize that walking your cat on a leash comes with some disadvantages as well. If you plan to leash-train your cat, you should be aware of the potential risks and take the time to properly train your cat.

And here’s the final message from Reinhardt: kljkuijklljo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,l,m